Book and Cover design for Raja Feather Kelly’s The Fires. Published by Soho Rep. Title Treatment by Studio Usher. Stickers are my omage to the 2010-2012 Soho Rep self-published scripts, from the concept based in Paul Sahre’s original 1999 art direction, which included printing 2,000 stickers for every production. For sale here.
Desktop home page for conceptual street tree non-profit. View case study here
Howdy! p5.js (desktop only).
Peter McNally website.
Design for this website. 
Kedian Keohan website. 
Desktop home page for conceptual street tree non-profit. View case study here
Mockup for Ian Edlund’s website. 
Desktop home page for conceptual street tree non-profit. View case study here
Detail from past version of Kedian’s site (built with p5.js). 
40 Seasons of Survivor Data. Python, SQLite, Matplotlib, Flask. Full front and back end development.  
Identity design Last Theater Magazine.

Currently taking freelance web design/development work.
Also available for identity and editorial design.